Monday, June 18, 2012

I Can't Post anymore: Oh Brain, Where Art Thou?

It's been quite a while since I've posted! I wish I could say I just haven't been inspired, but that's so not the case. I even think about blogging on a daily basis, and think "hmm, I should blog this later," but I never seem to. Oh dear, what to do, what to do??!!??!! Anyway, it appears I just finished putting a prezi together, and all I can say is I love having simple prezis. I hate when too much crap is spinning around and text is flying everywhere and flashy lights are blinding you. It's pure torture. I guess I should take this time to write my presentation on little note cards so I don't make an ass out of myself at the conference Sister Witch and I will be attending, but that's so not happening right now. The truth is, nothing is happening right now. Well, the dove outside had it's babies, but that's about it. Speaking of that rude bird, I noticed her feeding her children birdies, and right as she noticed me she stopped! What a bitch! Even birds don't trust humans. No one and nothing in nature trusts anyone or anything else!!!!! We are damned! Dear Tall, non-fat, hot latte...can you kick in now? Thanks. Even latte's are conspired against me. All hail the Hello Kitty school supplies, they never seem to fail me. On this note, sweet dreams to all, and to ALL a good night.