Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Meal

I was sitting outside the library today having my lunch when the person sitting next to me made me realize that I am a pretty non-creative lunch consumer. My betrothed and I stopped by Ralphs to get some giant sandwiches made (this way, I don't hungry and can work on my projects all day), and I was munching on my mayo drenched macaroni salad, with a single red bell pepper pellet mind you, while this skinny guy next to us pulled out cake after cake after chicken wing after cake. Really. I promise. I am not lying to you fellow reader (assuming there are any). So, first he pulls out an ample piece of chocolate cake, then a similar size piece of a cheese cake, he put that down only to consume two healthy sized chicken wings, then resumed devouring his cheese cake. This guy is awesome. Seriously. He didn't even have a fork, rather, he just let his hands and fingers get all up in that shit. He is my hero. At first glance I thought "dat shit cray", but I am now beginning to regret my meager lunch choices, and hope we can all learn from this intelligent lunch expert how important lunch really is and that we only live once. In the words of Juicy Couture (and Kirsten Dunst in Marie Antoinette), "Let them eat cake!"